Articles and Book Chapters

  • ​2023. Baitzel, S.I., M.E. Folk, L.M. Díaz, Kurt M. Wilson, A.F. Rivera Infante, and B.S. Langlie. Diasporic Foodways and the Transformation of Andean Agropastoralism in the Wake of Tiwanaku Collapse (11th-12th Century CE) at Los Batanes, Sama Valley, in Foodways of the Ancient Andes: Transforming Diet, Cuisine, and Society, edited by M.P. Alfonso-Durruty and D.E. Blom. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, pp.220-239.
  • 2023. Corcoran-Tadd, N. Entre los ríos: inter-valley mobility on the far southern coast of Peru (AD 1000-1930). Chungara Revista de Antropología Chilena 55(2):261-280.
  • 2019. Baitzel, S.I., and A.F. Rivera Infante. Prehispanic presence, settlement patterns and ecological complementarity in the lomas of the Sama valley, Tacna, Peru. Chungara Revista de Antropología Chilena 51(3):381–402.


  • 2022. Carbajal, B., S.I. Baitzel, A.F. Rivera Infante and N. Corcoran-Tadd. Proyecto Arqueológico del Valle de Sama 2019: Dinámicas prehispánicas y coloniales de colonización, movilidad y intercambio en el valle medio del valle de Sama, Tacna. Report submitted to the Ministerio de Cultura, Lima.
  • 2019. Carbajal, B., S.I. Baitzel and A.F. Rivera Infante. Proyecto Arqueológico del Valle de Sama 2018: Dinámicas prehispánicas de colonización, movilidad y intercambio en el valle medio del valle de Sama, Tacna. Report submitted to the Ministerio de Cultura, Lima.
  • 2018. Carbajal, B., S.I. Baitzel and A.F. Rivera Infante. Proyecto Arqueológico del Valle de Sama 2017: Patrones de asentamiento y modos de intercambio entre los antiguos poblaciones andinos y costeros. Report submitted to the Ministerio de Cultura, Lima.


  • 2023. Baitzel, S.I., I. Youth, D. Rosenberg, and A.F. Rivera Infante. “Tent City and Midden Islands: Spatial Organization and Domestic Architecture at the Eleventh-Century Los Batanes (Southern Peru).” Poster presented at the Society of American Archaeology Annual Meeting, March 2023.
  • 2023. Zhu, R., S. Kennedy , A.F. Rivera Infante, and S.I. Baitzel. “Camelid Variation and Subsistence Diversity: Insights from Osteometric Analysis and Zooarchaeological Assemblages at the Eleventh-Century CE Site of Los Batanes (Sama, Peru).” Poster presented at the Society of American Archaeology Annual Meeting, March 2023.
  • 2023. Diaz, L., S.I. Baitzel, A.F. Rivera Infante and X. Liu. “Reconstructing Multiregional Pastoral Strategies in the South-Central Andes.” Poster presented at the Society of American Archaeology Annual Meeting, March 2023.
  • 2022. Rivera Infante, A.F., and S.I. Baitzel. “Highland Hunters and Fishing Folk: Insights into the Prehispanic Lithic Assemblage of the Middle Sama Valley (Tacna, Peru).” Poster presented at the Society of American Archaeology Annual Meeting, March 2022.
  • 2021. Baitzel, S.I., and A.F. Rivera Infante. “Nuevos aportes sobre la cultura Cabuza (1000-1250 d.C.) a raíz del colapso Tiwanaku desde el valle de Sama, Peru.”  La región olvidada de la arqueología peruana: 10 años de investigación en Tacna symposium, IFEA, Lima, November 2021.
  • 2021. Corcoran-Tadd, N. “Todas las cremas: shifting landscapes of mobility on the far southern coast of Peru (AD1000-1920).” Poster presented at the Society of American Archaeology Annual Meeting, April 2021.
  • 2020. Corcoran-Tadd, N. “Hacia una arqueología transfronteriza: investigaciones arqueológicas en los altos de Tacna y Arica (2015-2019).” I Seminario Transnacional de Arqueología entre Perú, Bolivia y Chile, Tacna (Peru), October 2020.
  • 2020.  Baitzel, S.I. and A.F. Rivera Infante. “La diaspora Tiwanaku en el Valle de Sama (Tacna – Perú) al Final del Horizonte Medio.” I Seminario Transnacional de Arqueología entre Perú, Bolivia y Chile, Tacna (Peru), October 2020.
  • 2019. Corcoran-Tadd, N. “El camino de arriba y el camino de abajo: towards a multi-sited archaeology of mobility in the south-central Andes.” 38th Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory, Brown University (RI), November 2019.
  • 2019. Baitzel, S.I. and A.F. Rivera Infante. “Nuevos aportes a la arqueología del valle medio de Sama, Tacna”. Seminario Arqueología del Sur 2019, Museo Contisuyo, Moquegua (Peru), July 2019.
  • 2019. Baka, A. and S.I. Baitzel. “An Exploration of Perimeter Wall Architecture at the Terminal Middle Horizon Site of Los Batanes, Sama, Peru.” Presentation at the Society of American Archaeology Annual Meeting, April 2019.
  • 2018. Baitzel, S.I. and A.F. Rivera Infante. “In the Land of Llamas and Ají: New Insights into the Late Horizon Inca Occupation of the Middle Sama Valley, Southern Peru.” Presentation at the Society of American Archaeology Annual Meeting, April 2018.
  • 2018. Baitzel, S.I. and A.F. Rivera Infante. “Prehispanic mobility and cultural encounters in the Andean foothills of the Sama Valley, Southern Peru.” Poster at 46th Annual Midwest Conference on Andean and Amazonian Archaeology and Ethnohistory, March 2018
  • 2017. Baitzel, S.I “A View from the Past: A Reanalysis of Archaeological Collections from the Sama Valley and Its Implications for Current Models and Chronologies of the Southern Andean Valleys.” Presentation at the Society of American Archaeology Annual Meeting, March 2017.

Dissertations and Theses

  • 2020. Folk, M.E. Migration and Agricultural Practice: A Paleoethnobotanical Analysis of Los Batanes in Southern Peru. M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, SUNY Binghamton.
  • 2020. Diaz, L. Paleodiet reconstruction using stable isotopic analysis at Los Batanes, Sama Valley (Peru): Agropastoralism on the Eve of the Tiwanaku State (11th c. A.D.). M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, Washington University in St. Louis.